Image: The Big Give Campaign/100 Percent Project
Image: Yahoo News
Teaching is said to be a form of gift, it may seem easy but not everyone is blessed with that ability. Teaching can go beyond the classroom’s four walls and the wisdom shared may be beneficial for the students in many years to come. But, do you know what really goes on in these unsung heroes' lives? Do you know their hardships, struggles, determination and passion in teaching just to see their students soar high in the outside world one day?Rojak Daily spoke to three local teachers teaching three different sets of students from various backgrounds to share their experiences and their side of the story that not many Malaysians may know.
The Teacher with A Big Heart
Miss Rita Lamaris, is a remedial class teacher based in Sabah and has 12 years of teaching experience. Remedial class, or known as kelas peralihan in Malay is a class meant for students who are slow learners or to help prep students before they take regular classes.Image for illustration purposes only. (Image: The Big Give Campaign)
I love kids, which is why I got into teaching,” told Rita. Teacher Rita teaches a unique set of students consisting of those who are autistic, slow learners, dyslexic, and those diagnosed with cerebral palsy.When asked what most Malaysians don’t know about teachers like her…
“Everyone should understand what remedial classes or what remedial teachers are. A lot of people don’t know what we do, what is our purpose. We don’t only teach these students by the books, we also teach them how to take care of themselves. Remedial teachers need more support and care from the community to help us teach these students. Everyone should also know that with these special needs kids, extra attention and care must be given to them. It’s not a walk in a park.”
Teaching requires a lot of patience especially when the kids don’t respond during her classes. She tries her best to catch their attention and never gives up to teaching them. Parents also play a pivotal role in these kids’ development and she hopes that parents will be more supportive and hands-on especially when it comes to programs conducted by the school for their kids.
However, her passion and undying love for teaching makes up for the obstacles she faced throughout her career. She says that it feels very rewarding every time she sees her students and pass examinations and come up to her and say “thank you teacher for teaching me.” We can’t imagine how that feels, but we’re pretty sure the satisfaction she gets is something that money can never buy.
The Dotting Teacher Who Wants His Students to Do Well in School and Life
Image for illustration purposes only. (Image: The Big Give Campaign)
Some teachers may aspire to be an educator from a very young age, but for Hafis bin Mohamad Dom, teaching wasn’t his first love. During his early schooling years, he had no interest in being a teacher and was more keen towards science and researches. However, it all changed after watching a documentary about teachers.“The documentary made me fall in love with teaching after it showcased the hardships and obstacles faced by the teachers. Their determination in making sure no student gets left out regardless of the circumstances inspired me,” told Hafis.
Who knew a documentary could leave such a significant impact in someone’s life! Fast forward to 2016, Hafis is now a special needs teacher in Pedas, Rembau, in Negeri Sembilan with seven years of teaching experience. He teaches students who are dyslexic, down syndrome, autistic, has physical disabilities, and hearing problems.
There may be a misconception among Malaysians that teaching special needs students is a breeze compared to teaching normal students. “A lot of people think that teaching special needs students is something easy and it only involves small group. Contrary to popular belief, it’s actually quite the opposite. We have special teaching and learning techniques for these students and it needs a high amount of patience, commitment, and sacrifice in order to ensure that these kids meet their learning objectives.” He added that teaching aids such as multimedia devices were essential to help the special needs students understand further the topics being taught.
Teacher Hafis’ efforts in teaching his students proved to be fruitful after his students successfully managed to follow agriculture programs such as planting vegetables, mushrooms, hydroponic farming, and also fish rearing until these products were eventually sold. He cites these programs as his “most memorable experience.”
To him, teaching his students are not as challenging as what may lie ahead of them in the future. He’s very concern of their future and wants to ensure that they can be independent after they have finished school. He wants to see them obtaining jobs and living well among society without being dependent on anyone.
Image for illustration purposes only. (Image: The Big Give Campaign)
Teacher Hafis hopes that one day, employers can give the chance and space to these special needs students to work just like other normal people. “I believe that they are very capable and will prove that they are equal to other people given the chance. Parents should also be supportive of their child and give them the chance to pursuit their studies and prove themselves.”The Passionate, Artistic Educator Who Wants to Make A Change
Image: Soonufat Supramaniam - Facebook
It’s uncommon to hear teachers coming from a performing arts background in Malaysia. Which is why Soonufat Supramaniam decided to become an educator and bring back arts education in Malaysia after a three-year stint as a performer, producer, and teaching artist in Brisbane, Australia. He’s currently a second year Teach for Malaysia fellow serving at a high-need school in Kedah.Through the Teach for Malaysia program, Soonufat has met with all sorts students from all walks of life. But there was one student that left a very significant impact in his life that he’ll probably remember for the rest of his life.
“One of my students had a very complicated family background. It was a real-life mixture from family violence to friends and siblings conflict. Despite her rough background, she managed to rise above it and grow up to be an exceptionally talented and bright student. Metaphorically, she looks like a lotus which emerges from muddy areas. Her past experiences, openness to learn and curiosity inspired me as a teacher. She is stronger than anyone who I’ve ever met.”
Teaching isn’t an easy feat especially in rural areas. “To be honest, I spend around 40% - 50% of my salary on teaching materials due to the lack of teaching aids,” told Soonufat. He also cites that he spends extra time preparing sponsorship proposals and finding extra funding from external parties for school projects which could be used to focus more on teaching.
Image: Soonufat Supramaniam - Facebook
One of the obstacles he faces is the lack of awareness on the many ways one can contribute to the education sector. He says that every teacher made the choice to be an educator because they want to see a change and work towards a better future for our children but they can’t do it alone.“Everyone can play a part in transforming our education sector. You can start by sharing your knowledge, expertise, or experiences in working in your own field. You can even help organize a school trip for students nearby. Even the smallest contribution like asking if your kids need any help in school or volunteering some hours to oversee some school projects can make a big difference.”
Image: Soonufat Supramaniam
Apart from the obstacles faced, most teachers are often burdened with the impression that they have an easy, breezy 9 to 5 job. “Some of us work from 7am- 5pm every day. A teacher’s job isn’t as easy as marking books and chalk and talk. We do more than teach. It doesn’t stop and start within the four walls of classrooms, it extends and breath into every moment of student’s life,” he says.He also wishes to change the negative mindset of some students and parents who view school as a ‘day care’ center. “They view school as irrelevant to their life goals and bringing them a step closer towards their ambitions. I don’t blame them. I was in their position. As an educator now though, I can make a difference in transforming this mindset. I want to work together with communities, NGOs, public members to bring relevant education alive," Soonufat told Rojak Daily.
Well after reading these teachers’ stories, do you feel inspired to help out but don’t really know where to start? How about The Big Give campaign? What is that you may ask? Well, The Big Give campaign is an initiative organized by 100 Percent Project which aims to rally Malaysians to send specially designed care packages to teachers across Malaysia so that they have what they need to conduct awesome lessons at the start of the school year.
There are 366 teachers across Malaysia who are in dire need of this care package and each package costs about RM5,000. You can chip in as low as RM10 or even up to RM5,000 to fully sponsor an entire package. Remember, every cent counts. There are four types of packages you can select from – Classroom Aids, Multimedia Kit, Sports Kit, and Digital Maker Kit. The packages will be sent to the teachers by 31st January 2017 but the campaign will be ending really soon – this 31st December. So act fast before its too late! Find out how you can be a Big Giver here.
Image: The Big Give Campaign
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