Malaysian Handbag-Lover Pleads 'Not Guilty' Over A$4.6 Mil Bank Bungle

Malaysian Handbag-Lover Pleads 'Not Guilty' Over A$4.6 mil Bank Bungle
Christine Jiaxin Lee, the Malaysian who hit the jackpot when the Westpac Banking Corporation 'accidentally' provided her with an unlimited overdraft, has pleaded not guilty for allegedly spending A$4.6 mil (RM15.3 mil). 

She arrived at her hearing at Sydney's Downing Centre Court in ripped jeans, a black singlet, an energy drink cap, and white canvas shoes before leaving with a germ mask on reports Daily Mail Australia. At the very least, the hearing hasn't impaired her fashion sense. 

Going for that trucker/yuppie look. Image: Media Mode/Daily Mail Australia

Her lawyer, Hugo Aston told the Daily Mail Australia that they would be "Vigorously defending the charges" of dishonestly obtaining financial advantage by deception and knowingly dealing with the proceeds of crime. "We feel confident our client will be acquitted," Mr. Aston said. 

Her family have reportedly travelled from Malaysia to Australia to support her, but was not seen in court. They were probably taking in the sights at the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The weekday rates during the day are a steal at only A$288 (RM957) per adult. At such low rates on a weekday it's daylight robbery is what it is. We hope they grab some pictures of the Sydney Opera House as well, though we won't rob them of the joy of plotting their own itinerary. 

Photography Tip: Always display any luxury items you have in the background as a gentle reminder that a life of crime is better than a life without a Chanel cushion. Image: Daily Mail Australia

Ms. Lee was arrested in May by immigration officials at Sydney airport as she tried to board a flight to Malaysia. The Malaysian was living large, spending on luxury handbags while staying at an expensive apartment overlooking the Sydney harbour. The bank only realised their error when she transferred A$1.15 mil to her PayPal account. Oh, so close. 


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