Polling Day Falls On The Same Day As Bruno Mars' Concert

Polling Day Falls On The Same Day As Bruno Mars' Concert

Image: Senatus

We finally have a date for the 14th General Election (GE14) after months of speculation.

The Election Commission (EC) has announced that the day Malaysia votes will fall on 9 May, Wednesday and nominations will be held on 28 April.

Now, we can't deny that some of us are quite a bit confused as to why the polling will take place in the middle of the week.

However, there is another group of people (12,000 of them, to be exact) who are just as puzzled because this day that literally the future of the nation is happening on the same day as Bruno Mars' '24K Magic World Tour' scheduled at Axiata Arena, Bukit Jalil.

So, what does this mean?

There could only be three possibilities - either the concert will start at a later time, be postponed to another date or, to the horror of some, cancelled.

In light of all the comments and concerns that begin to flood on social media in the past hour or two, the organiser posted an announcement calling for fans to wait for an update.

Regardless of the final outcome, there is no question because there is another outcome that we should all be more concerned about.

If you are eligible to vote, you should by any means exercise your right as a citizen because your decision will literally affect what happens to you and your loved ones in the next few years.

So, set your priorities straight and choose wisely.

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