SEDIH, TERLUKA: DS Najib Luah Perasaan Kepada Orang Ramai Di Pekan.. Ini Videonya

Former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has arrived in Pekan, Pahang yesterday to attend several official events.

Datuk Seri Najib, who is Pekan Member of Parliament, was seen leaving the residence in a Toyota Vellfire at 9.20 am and escorted by police vehicles.

DS Najib was scheduled to officiate the meetings of several party divisions in his parliamentary constituency yesterday.

He made his first visit to his constituency of Pekan since the general election concluded, which saw Barisan Nasional's defeated.

For your information, the support of locals here for Datuk Seri Najib who has been their MP for 42 years seems unwavering.

Najib Abdul Razak also has denied that he is stealing from the country’s coffers.

Instead, Najib believes he had been targeted due to his previous positions as Umno president and prime minister.

Datuk Seri Najib Razak  told a crowd of at least 500 at the Umno building in Pekan today.

"I did not steal from the people. To topple the party, they had to target the president. They would do anything as long as my brand was destroyed."

The people of his constituency, he insisted, knew that he was neither a thief nor a crook.

"You know me, I have served here for 42 years," he said, to shouts of "We love you Datuk Seri!"

This was also the reason, he believes, why his wife Rosmah Mansor came under attack from those opposed to him.

Najib stressed that all decisions were made collectively in the cabinet as opposed to being made in his house.

"They claimed that the decisions I made must first be referred to my wife. This is nothing but slander."

"I did not say that we had to wait first because I had to refer to my wife.

"But because my wife has a Master’s degree and is quite in the know of things, sometimes she lets slip certain things.

"But this doesn't mean that she has absolute power, I didn't practice such a thing," 

He also lamented how most Malaysians would prefer to watch "slander" on YouTube as opposed to watching the news on the country's economic advancement.

"They open YouTube, watch 'Najib does this, Rosmah does that', it's 'nice' for them. I saw that the views even reached up to 900,000.

"People want to hear nonsense and slander as opposed to the truth. So the truth has been defeated by lies.

"I'm hurt because of this. It's like playing football, we play fairly but those who committed fouls win," 

Ini videonya:

Malay Report

Bekas perdana menteri Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak pada Ahad, buat pertama kali meluahkan rasa hati kepada orang ramai berhubung kekalahan Barisan Nasional (BN) pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14).

Ini termasuk luahan hati tentang siasatan pihak berkuasa terhadap dirinya.

DS Najib mengakui terkilan, ralat dan terasa hati apabila kekalahan BN pada pilihan raya umum lepas bukan disebabkan pihak lawan mempunyai agenda atau dasar lebih baik, sebaliknya mendakwa ia disebabkan kempen memburukkan beliau atas kapasitinya sebagai pemimpin.

Beliau mendakwa penyelewengan fakta seperti dakwaan ekonomi Malaysia berada dalam keadaan teruk dan negara hampir bankrap ditambah dengan pelbagai janji manis pihak lawan juga antara penyebab kekalahan BN.

Datuk Seri Najib juga menambah isterinya, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor menajdi sasaran yang difitnah kononnya mencampuri urusan dan menentukan keputusan dibuatnya.

Sedangkan, menurut Najib semua keputusan melibatkan pentadbiran negara atau parti diputuskan pada mesyuarat Kabinet atau pun Majlis Tertinggi parti.

Walaupun  sedih dengan kekalahan itu, Datuk Seri Najib menerima keputusan yang dibuat rakyat dan menyerahkan kuasa dengan baik.

Kata bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia ini, luahan hatinya itu dibuat di Pekan, kerana penduduk di sini mengenali dirinya yang sudah 42 tahun berkhidmat di daerah ini, tempat bermulanya karier  beliau dalam arena politik.

Sumber: Kini TV

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