I’m no longer member of an illegal society, says Daim

The former finance minister says he is relieved to be sacked from Umno.

Daim Zainuddin says he has no plans to join any other party.

MUAR: Former finance minister Daim Zainuddin said he was not bothered about his sacking from Umno because he considered the party illegal.

“As I said earlier, Umno is an illegal society. Why have an illegal society sack us? We are all members of an illegal society,” he said after a dialogue session in Parit Yusof here.

He said he had taken up many matters with the party, including over the 1MDB issue, the bill on fake news and the redelineation of electoral borders.

“All these I was against, and I have advised them, but they refused to listen to me.

“We don’t need all these. If you want to win an election, use your track record, and not the law to win an election.”

Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Mansor today said the party decided to sack Daim and former international trade minister Rafidah Aziz, believed to be over their comments against the party and for joining the opposition’s election campaign.

The party is also investigating another Umno veteran, Rais Yatim, over comments against the leadership.

Both Daim and Rafidah were senior ministers who served under Dr Mahathir Mohamad, and had openly urged Malaysians to vote for Pakatan Harapan led by the former prime minister.

Daim said he had no plans to join any other party.

“I am old already, I will decide when the time comes. For now, I’ll campaign for Pakatan Harapan as an independent.

“There is no more rule of law in this country. It is time for everyone to come out and vote for change,” he said.

Earlier, Daim in his speech said he was relieved to know that he was sacked alongside Rafidah.

“Alhamdullilah (praise to God),” he said. “We only want to follow good people.”

Meanwhile, on a suggestion that he had once suggested to the government to implement the goods and services tax that the opposition is now against, Daim said he no longer subscribed to such a view.

“You make a U-turn when you see trouble. Like if you are driving and you arrive at a river. You’d make a U-turn, won’t you? Only stupid people will drive into the river.”

In his speech, Daim also criticised the religious authorities including muftis against taking sides in politics.

“Leave politics to politicians. Why mix politics and religion? Religious teachers are supposed to be able to discern between right and wrong, not meddle in politics.

“Don’t take advantage of an election to raise religious issues and come up with all kinds of fatwas. In politics we talk about manifestos, not religion,” he said.

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