Watch This Video Of Foreigners Trying To Do The 'Asian Squat' And Failing Miserably

Watch This Video Of Foreigners Trying To Do The 'Asian Squat' And Failing Miserably
The 'Asian squat' was never a big deal until a non-Asian made it a big deal.

We're not sure what started this obsession over something that seems so natural to people from our side of the world, but apparently it's unusual enough to earn a label.

If you have no idea what we're talking about, here's what an Asian squat looks like:

Is this so hard to do?
You basically just squat all the way down as low as your butt can go, balance with both heels on the ground (not just your toes!) and stay in this position for as long as you can.

We find this picture of Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong doing a perfect Asian squat with former United States President Barack Obama staring behind quite amusing.

Are those green eyes of envy we see, Mr Obama?
This French YouTuber found this habit just as fascinating and made a video challenging a bunch of ang moh to see if it is really something that only Asians can do.

And the result was a whole lot of fails and LOLs.

Balancing on your toes doesn't count.
Most people just kept rolling backwards and falling on their butts.

Is it really that hard?
That must have hurt.
Almost is never enough.That's not low enough.This is starting to look fun.Don't give up, woman!Then he found a man who finally did it right, effortlessly.

So steady, bro.

So it is possible! What's the big deal then? Why are Asians known to be better at this deep squat?

Well, it's all thanks to this:

The squat toilet.
Squat toilets are found in many parts of Asia because people find it more hygenic since there is no thigh-to-toilet-seat contact.

So the Asian squat has nothing to do with the structure of our bodies, it just takes years and year of practice. Nevertheless, it is still entertaining to watch foreigners try doing it.

Here's the full video which, by the way, is 90 per cent in Chinese. Can we just take a moment to appreciate how fluent this French guy is in speaking Mandarin?

The video went viral and hit a million views in less than one week. So he decided to make another one to see if the Americans can do it too!

What do you think about the fascination surrounding the Asian squat? How long can you hold yours?

Sumber Watch This Video Of Foreigners Trying To Do The 'Asian Squat' And Failing Miserably

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