Only Umno follows rule of law, not opposition, says Zahid

Deputy Prime Minister Zahid Hamidi slams Pakatan Harapan components who 'don't hold branch meetings, don't observe party constitution'.


KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi made a clear distinction between Umno and its opposition rivals saying the latter did not follow the provisions of the law on political parties.

Addressing Youth, Wanita and Puteri Umno members at the official opening of the general assembly for the three party wings, Zahid said in comparison Umno was well-equipped and a structured political party that follows the rule of law.

“We are unlike other parties which disregard regulations and laws. There are opposition parties which refuse to observe the provisions outlined by regulations and laws.

“They don’t hold branch meetings and high-level meetings are abruptly held. The constitution of the party is not observed either.

“They also name their wings as they please. Their administration is self-serving,” the Umno vice-president said.

He also said PPBM has a “voiceless president”, alluding to former Umno deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin, who seems to have taken a backseat to PPBM chairman Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“Their chairman reigns supreme, making decisions at his own whims and fancies.

“They have six commanders in one ship. Imagine, the ship is sailing, and these six commanders issue different commands. Where will their ship head?

“The answer is, it will go round and round the same spot. A cruise to nowhere,” Zahid said, adding that some blame lay within Umno too, with leaders becoming increasingly divided.

“From being split in two, then three, now we are split five ways. Our previous leaders are now the political shamans out to crush Umno.

“We are strong, we are not weak. The problem is we are divided.”

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