These tigers need our help, Malaysians.
The national animal of Malaysia, the majestic Malayan tiger, is fast becoming extinct, experts say.The executive director of the World Wildlife Fund Malaysia (WWF-Malaysia), Datuk Dr Dionysius S.K. Sharma, told The New Straits Times that the population of the Malayan tigers -- also scientifically known as 'Panthera tigris jacksoni' -- are dwindling and we should all be concerned.
According to Dionysius, the population now stands at a very critical 250 to 340 tigers.
As such, he has called for all parties to help ensure the survival of the species, which, by the way, has been categorised as 'Critically Endangered'.
"This is one species that we cant afford to lose.
"If we just sit down and do nothing, extinction will happen. All Malaysians, other than NGOs and the government must speak up so that all of us can work together to prevent the tigers from going extinct," Dionysius was quoted as saying.
Among the threats faced by the Malayan tigers include habitat fragmentation due to development projects and illegal poaching, said the WWF.
Just like the Sumatran rhinoceros - there are only two of them left, by the way - the Malayan tiger faces the highest risk of extinction.
Let's just hope that our Harimau Malaya won't suffer the same fate as the Tasmanian Tiger or the Javan Tiger.
Sumber Oh No! There Are Less Than 350 Harimau Malaya Left In The Wild
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