What has become of the opposition?

In the past, the opposition had credible people like Karpal Singh, Anwar Ibrahim and Nik Aziz, but now there is only a list of rejects from the BN regime, writer says.



By Karamjit Gill

The political fracas in Malaysia is astounding, baffling and bewildering. Both the Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan coalitions seem to be losing the plot.

For one, the biggest joy for MIC is when it strikes a blow to the People’s Progressive Party (MyPPP). These two parties are arguing for seats in the same constituency and are busy pulling members from one to another. Instead of combining forces to fight the enemy, they are spending more time trying to authenticate who is David and who is Goliath. How can we put our trust in such organisations? With the election looming, where are their priorities?

Don’t discount Pakatan Harapan, either. As if it was not ludicrous enough that it befriended a nemesis in Dr Mahathir Mohamad, now it is working together with P Waythamoorthy and Hindraf, as Hindraf celebrates its 10 years of an erratic journey?

Waytha is someone who can give Mahathir a close fight in terms of having absolutely no integrity. He would jump onto any boat for glory, even at the expense of his own immediate family members.

To date, Pakatan Harapan consists of DAP, PKR, Amanah and PPBM. It appears as though anybody can form an organisation and be part of Pakatan Harapan as long as one is against Barisan Nasional.

Rhetorically it may sound feasible, but it is practically not possible to run a government. Such organisations have the tendency to be fractious and are prone to disharmony as each party holds on to its own set of beliefs.

We saw the outcome of short-term handshakes during the last general election between DAP and PAS. The different parties temporarily agreed to silence their disagreements to unify against the opponent. What happened? What will occur in the long run? The equations just don’t match. More and more infighting will ensue, and the interests of the people will be blanketed.

Barely a year ago, Waytha went on a roll, blaming Mahathir for the country’s shambles and insisting that Mahathir apologise to the entire nation. Waytha highlighted numerous wrongdoings of Mahathir and criticised the latter to the core. Fast-forward one year, and they are sipping drinks at the same table, wanting to work together.

For 22 years, Mahathir and Lim Kit Siang were at loggerheads. Today, all is forgotten and forgiven only because the common enemy is Prime Minister Najib Razak. If Najib becomes unfavourable to the next prime minister of Barisan Nasional, will Najib suddenly be forgiven and embraced too? Will he suddenly transform to be the best leader Malaysia ever had, according to the opposition? Do they expect all of us to just go on singing to their tune as and when they like? Are there any rules to the game?

Are we Malaysians mere puppets?

In the past, when we reminisced about the opposition we saw credible individuals. In DAP, there was the late Karpal Singh, in PAS it was Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, and in PKR it was Anwar Ibrahim. What do we have now other then a list of rejects from the past dictatorial Barisan Nasional regime?

Now, Waytha is going to be added to this growing list of rejects? What has become of the opposition in this country? It worries me that things may get even worse if the coalesced opposition forms the government. I guess the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Karamjit Gill is an FMT reader.

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