Mohd Tajuddin Rasdi of UCSI University says teachers should be sent for two-day stays with the family of a different culture, and visit different houses of worship.
KUALA LUMPUR: UCSI University professor Mohd Tajuddin Rasdi wants the education ministry to address the problem of school teachers lacking inter-cultural and inter-faith knowledge and experience.
“We have been staying at arm’s length of each other for far too long,” he said at a dialogue entitled “Wither freedom without truths in Malaysia?” at the PAUM club house here today.
He said the ministry should assign teachers to undergo a two-week training programme in religious and cultural sensitivities.
“This should include the element of a two-day homestay at the house of a family of a different culture, and visitations to all (religions’) homes of worship,” he said.
In July, Tajuddin made a similar proposal for school students to be exposed to faiths other than their own.
For Standards 1 to 3, he said, rituals of religion should be “practiced well” instead of being memorised, and that 15% of school time should be allocated for religious studies.
He had also said trips to mosques, churches and temples for each group should be made a “must”, and questioned why the education ministry had not looked into the proposed initiative for teachers as well.
He said educational improvement was being inadequately equated with the handing out of computer tablets to teachers.
“We focus on computers and technology as opposed to (developing) the sense,” he said.
“I don’t think what I’ve suggested is too hard to put into practice. I don’t think it will cost that much,” he added.
Academic proposes exciting, sensible way to teach religion in schools
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Sumber Don says teachers should be exposed to different cultures, religions
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