Balenciaga Is Back At It Again…With Rubber Car Mat Skirts

Balenciaga Is Back At It Again…With Rubber Car Mat Skirts

Images: Balenciaga and

Oh Balenciaga, what are you up to this time? It seems that there’s no stopping the Spanish fashion label from ripping off everyday common items and turning it into luxury products. Have the creative juices in Balenciaga run dry?

The brand recently debuted something that we could have never imagined – skirts that resemble your car mats. And they’ve even given it a literal name – the Car Design Skirt, made out of leather that retails for a whopping £1,795 (RM10,073.90)!

Wah, that price tag alone can pay for a new car down payment which will also include the car mat. Fashion people are crazy!

Just to put things into perspective, just search for rubber car mats on Lazada you can easily find a good quality one for just RM60-RM80.

Apparently, there’s another two more car-themed skirts – one that resembles your brake pedal and another one that also looks like a car mat but a fabric-like padded version. During the fashion show, models even strutted down the runway holding Balenciaga-stamped side view mirror clutches. *face palm*

Would you wear it if it was given for free?
It's great that it has a big mirror but imagine all the thumb prints on it.
So, what's next Balenciaga? Mop and penyapu lidi inspired hats? Bulu ayam feather duster scarves? We wonder what else the fashion house has in store for us.

In case you forgot, the luxury brand previously became the talk of the fashion world especially in Asia after producing bags that resemble our toto or comforter bag and our shopping bags. If that’s not enough, they even came up with a bag inspired by the iconic blue Ikea shopping bag that retails for 5,000 times more than what Ikea sells. You can read about Balenciaga’s previous controversial designs here.

Sumber Balenciaga Is Back At It Again…With Rubber Car Mat Skirts

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