It Looks Like Your Favourite Malaysian Dishes, But It’s Actually Not

It Looks Like Your Favourite Malaysian Dishes, But It’s Actually Not

Images: Play-Doh Malaysia

Did you take a second look? Did you feel like your eyes deceived you? Well, you're right.

That plate of nasi lemak and bowl of cendol aren’t real, it’s made out of Play-Doh!

Play-Doh Malaysia recently unveiled its Malaysian-inspired food sculptures in conjunction with Malaysia Day and World Play-Doh Day.

The life-like sculptures were made by Malaysian food artist, Michelle Lim,  who is super-duper talented by the way (check out her Instagram: @foodmakesfun) and Play-Doh’s first Doh-Bassador of Creativity, nine-year-old Eunice Foong Yin Tong who was selected via a contest.

With the guidance of Michelle, the pair sculpted a few dishes that are really close to Malaysians’ hearts – nasi lemak, satay, roti canai, dim sum, and ice kacang.

Fancy SUM dim sum?
Now we're craving for some real satay.
Not only did the nine-year-old get to make Play-Doh sculptures and become the Doh-Bassador, she also received a ton of Play-Doh goodies.

Well Eunice, if we were gifted a few boxes of Play-Doh we’d also be over the moon even though we’re triple your age.
Congrats Eunice, we're secretly plotting to steal all of your Play-Doh.

Sumber It Looks Like Your Favourite Malaysian Dishes, But It’s Actually Not

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