Watch Out! WhatsApp Video Call Scams

Watch Out! WhatsApp Video Call Scams

Image: Android Beat

Popular messaging service Whatsapp has been rolling out a video-calling service in stages to users to both iOS and Android platforms. While it does look like iOS users already have that new update, the video calling selection hasn’t appeared for some Android users yet.

Image: iPhone Hacks

If you receive a call from a user who has the voice calling feature, your WhatsApp will also have that feature enabled. Taking full advantage of this ‘feature by invite’ system, many scamsters took to WhatsApp and sent out messages with scam links and messages stating that they are invited to permit voice calling only after they click and share the message.

Image: The Star

These messages are typically with links to websites with malware and advertisements. Each time a user clicks, the scamsters make cash. The message will then ask you to share the same exact message to 10 more users and groups, then only will they enable the voice calling feature for you. However, after all the exercise and the clicks, you find out that it was a hoax.

The link they send out will be very suspicious, with a “” URL (note: the misspelling). If you’re waiting for a video calling to be enabled on your smartphone, just wait patiently for the official update from Google Play.

Image: Softpedia News

For iOS users, making a video call in the updated WhatsApp involves tapping on a video camera icon on the top right of the screen, but with Android users, you might already have the video calling feature but it’s not so noticeable. You have to tap on the phone icon at the top right hand corner and you will be given the choice for voice or video calling.


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