Kisah seram pelancong Australia pulang bercuti dari Malaysia part 2 dan part 3

Ini adalah sambungan dari artikel sebelum ini yang bertajuk ‘Kisah aneh dan seram diceritakan pelancong Australia selepas pulang bercuti dari Malaysia: Mak, ayah dan adik-adik seperti dirasuk jin‘. Kami siarkan tulisan original dalam bahasa inggeris supaya anda lebih faham:

Kisah seram pelancong Australia pulang bercuti dari Malaysia part 2 dan part 3

Kisah seram pelancong Australia pulang bercuti dari Malaysia part 2 dan part 3

Kisah seram pelancong Australia pulang bercuti dari Malaysia part 2 dan part 3

Part 2

Hey guys, sorry for the delay, its just been a crazy couple of days. I got in contact with the sheikh. He said that he’d be able to come in about 5-7 days. Since Islam is an abrahamic faith, it bears a lot of similarities to both christianity and judaism, especially about spirits and the paranormal.

Anyways, I had still been up from the night we returned from the airport trying to keep and ear out for any other strange noises. The humming started again at around quarter past 4 and kept going till at least half past 5. At this point, I had pulled out the big guns and started reading the Quran (the Islamic holy book) which was fairly strange because I have never been much of a devout believer. What can I say, fucked up things like this do have an affect on your beliefs and faith.

At around 5:30 in the morning, the thing that resembled my dad (i refuse to believe that thing is my father) arose and came downstairs. No shower or toilet. Just came downstairs and stared, then asked why the Quran was on the coffee table. The strange thing about this entire ordeal is that all their voices were still exactly the same. ‘My father’ still had his low, gravelly voice (years of smoking will do that to you), ‘my mum’ had her higher-pitch, almost twinkly voice. ‘My brothers’ still had their deep bassy voices and well, my sister had her voice as well. I don’t know how that’s possible and if anyone knows if spirits can keep the voices of the people they become, please do share.

So, ‘my dad’ comes down and has 2 toast with butter only and 1 up&go (a breakfast drink in Australia) which surprised me as that was what my dad always had for breakfast. Perhaps, I’m beginning to think, that my actual dad is not dead/taken but rather suppressed by the evil spirit so some of nuances are still present. ‘My mum’ was the same, woke up (again no toilet/shower), had her cup of black coffee with no sugar and a bowl of cornflakes. Exact same thing my mum had for breakfast.

It’s now 8am and they’re leaving to go to work. I haven’t been asked for directions to my parents’ workplace which leads me to believe that they may have acquainted themselves with who they’re supposed to be overnight. My brothers, my sister and I are still on break so we’re the only ones still at home. I feel more comfortable dealing with ‘my siblings’ without the influence of ‘my dad’ because it seems as though he is the leader, telling them what to do and how to act.

Like I mentioned, I brought the Quran out to read and put my mind at ease. Many people in the comments mentioned that it could be a jinn (a spirit in Islamic culture, not necessarily evil, that can possess someone) and because of that, I have been reading the chapter in the Quran that is specifically called ‘The Jinn.’ It seems when I read it out loud, I can hear a sort of scratching noise upstairs, particularly my sister’s room. Maybe I’m imagining that the words are having an effect on the things upstairs or maybe I’m making my brain feel as though they are, I can’t be too sure. I’ve been speaking with a few family friends and each of them have told me very firmly that I am not strong enough (religiously, I assume) to deal with or fight the creatures that are pretending to be my family and that I should wait for the sheikh

It’s now 2:50pm in the afternoon. ‘The siblings’ have still not woken up, I’m not really sure why. Even on their laziest days, nobody is usually asleep past 1:30pm. I’m very tempted to go upstairs and see what’s up but I’ve watched enough horror movies to know that no good comes of going up to the monster itself. I’m not about to die without solving this mess. My parents usually come back from work at about 5:30pm so I have some time to try and arm myself with as much information and dua (prayers) as I can.

5:34pm. I hear my parents car drive into the garage. They both come in together, looking a lot less satisfied than they were this morning. I’m not sure why. ‘My dad’ whispers something along the lines of ‘…should never have..should stay..’ and something like ‘banjoran titwang’ to my mum. I’m not sure if I heard the last part correctly, could it be an insult? A place? I haven’t got a clue. I don’t even know what language it is but it’s definitely not English. They’ve just said hi to me and gone upstairs. To do what, I don’t know. But as long as they’re not near me, I don’t feel as anxious. The smell is still in the house but it’s not as strong as I remember it though that could be because I’ve been around it for a fair bit.

It’s just ticked over midnight here, 12:07am to be exact. My need for sleep has grown considerably (I haven’t actually slept in over almost 72 hours) so I’ve made myself a makeshift bed on the sofa and have the Quran blasting in my earphones. I dunno, it just makes me feel a lot better and soothes me. I’ll leave it at that and try to update if anything big happens or when the Sheikh gets here, whichever comes first. Fingers crossed its the sheikh.

UPDATE: I know I’ve been told not to try and fight whatever it is that’s inside my family members but I guess I’m a sucker for masochism. Every time I hear the rhythmic hum begin upstairs, I’ve began reciting verses from the Quran softly under my breath and I swear the rhythmic hum will stop for a bit and I hear knocks instead, underneath my dad’s room. The knocks have always been the same pattern, three short knocks, three long knocks and three short knocks once more. I dunno what the knocks represent? Could it be like warning knocks or something? Maybe 9 knocks signifies something? I’m not sure. Also still waiting for the Sheikh, he said he’d be here on Friday. It’s a Tuesday night atm. I’ll update as soon as I can.

Sumber: reddit


Part 3

I’m back guys, thankfully unharmed (as of yet). It’s a cold Saturday evening and I just finished speaking with the sheikh (for a second time), a lovely Imam named Ahmad and I’ll try to reiterate everything I saw as well as what he let me know based on what he got from the first meeting with them.

Imam Ahmad first approached my dad and shook his hand. ‘Dad’ shook back almost as if he was being forced to (strengthening my theory that perhaps there is a little bit of my real dad just being suppressed by the creature). This is basically how the dialogue went:

  • IMAM AHMAD: Salam Alaykum. Can you please tell me who you are?
  • ‘DAD’: I am Ali *****
  • (sidenote: Notice he didn’t respond with the peace greeting in the beginning?)
  • IMAM AHMAD: Ali, what is it that you do for a living?
  • ‘DAD’: I am a pharmaceutical scientist working for ****** ******* *******
  • IMAM AHMAD: And how long have you been working there?
  • ‘DAD’: Nearing on 25 years.

At this point, ‘my dad’ seemed to have passed with flying colours. He knew our names, what we studied at uni, and some other little things like what my most disliked chore was (vacuuming, by far) and what my mother’s favourite dessert was. However, there was still something off. No matter how well he knew the family and us, I just couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something off. The smell was still there and occasionally, the hum would start upstairs where my siblings were. I asked Imam Ahmad if he could smell the rotting flesh I could but he replied saying he couldn’t. It was now that Imam Ahmad asked me if he could try an experiment. The experiment consisted of playing some of ‘The Cow’ (Surah Al-Baqarah) chapter of the Quran and see if there was a reaction. He let me know that this was usually the standard at which other Sheikhs and Imams decided on whether there was a spirit or something paranormal involved. I told him I already had it on my iPhone and gave it to him. He pressed play and waited as it began.

The result was almost instantaneous. ‘My dad’ began shrieking in such an inhuman way I was terrified he was legit going to eat us. The shrieking was also present upstairs and the scratching I heard the first night we came back intensified. All of this would have happened within the space of about 3 seconds but if you asked me it felt like shrieks would never stop. Imam Ahmad stopped the Quran and at that moment, he let me know that he could now smell what I’ve been smelling the entire time.

In as much strength as I could conjure, I asked him to explain exactly what he’d done. You see, I’m well versed in exorcisms and possessions but only in the Christian sense, with The Lord’s Prayer, Holy Water, crucifixes and crosses etc. I have Hollywood to thank for that. But how often have I heard of exorcisms and possessions in the Islamic sense? Can’t say too many. Imam Ahmad noticed the terror in my face and asked if it was possible if I could stay with a family friend or a friend for a couple days and that I meet him at the local mosque after the noon prayer tomorrow. He waited whilst I organised a place to sleep for the night and offered to drop me off, which I kindly accepted.

It was on the way to one of my closest mate’s place (She lives in the on-campus residences at uni) that Imam Ahmad tried to explain to me what happened. In essence, he said that he was now about 85% sure that my family were possessed by jinns who were very powerful and definitely had terrible intentions. You’d be surprised how well I took this information. The Imam looked at me warily and asked why I was so calm. It was then I let slip that I had fellow redditors following my story and that the topic of skinwalkers and drug hallucinations had come up. Imam Ahmad reassured me again that he was quite confident that my family members were still alive but would not be for long if he didn’t start the exorcism soon. Whatever relief I had gained from hearing about the earlier information had quickly vanished and this time I was perhaps more terrified. We reached my mate’s place and the Imam reminded me again that he was expecting my visit tomorrow.

Right now, I’m with Amelia, my best friend of close to 6 years. I’ve sort of filled her in on what’s going on but as she’s a staunch atheist, she’s trying to comprehend things logically. I guess I’ll leave it at for now and update as soon as I’ve caught up with Imam Ahmad.

Sumber: Reddit



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