Perlis state secretary rejects need for fresh elections

Syed Omar Sharifuddin Syed Ikhsan believes that the problem of nine BN state assemblymen who boycotted the swearing-in can be resolved.

Perlis state secretary Syed Omar Sharifuddin believes the problem will be resolved. (Facebook pic)

GEORGE TOWN: Unfazed by a dispute over the Perlis government leadership, state secretary Syed Omar Sharifuddin Syed Ikhsan has defended the appointment of Azlan Man as the new menteri besar.

He said fresh elections to the State Assembly would not be necessary. The matter could be resolved, he said, referring to demands for a new menteri besar to be chosen from among nine Barisan Nasional assemblyman who had boycotted the swearing-in ceremony yesterday.

Azlan, the BN assemblyman for Bintong, was appointed for a second term.

Syed Omar said the nine had failed to show up at the ceremony, held at the Istana Arau before the Raja of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Jamalullail, although they had been informed earlier.

They also did not inform the palace that they were not coming, he said. “Calls and messages to them all went unanswered. We tried getting in touch with them. In the end, it was the other group (of state opposition assembly members) that showed up,” he said.

“In any case, the appointment and swearing-in proceeded. I am sad that this has happened. By right, they should respect Tuanku,” he said. “What is important is that the MB has already been appointed, and that appointment is valid,” he said.

The nine absent assemblymen had gone to Kuala Lumpur, incurring the wrath of Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin who voiced his displeasure and anger over their absence despite invitations having been sent three days earlier.

Yesterday Perlis Umno chairman Shahidan Kassim announced that Azlan would be expelled from Umno, and was reported to have urged the Perlis ruler not to interfere in the administration.

Perlis was without a head of government for two weeks after the general election. Syed Omar said the civil service had continued to work as usual. “Even though it was a transitional period, the civil servants are ready to work any time,” he added.

Syed Omar spoke to reporters today at an event in Kudat, Sabah, where he is accompanying the Raja Muda of Perlis.

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