“Shame on you!” – Didakwa liat bayar servis mekap, ini penjelasan bekas peserta Clevergirl

"Shame on you!" – Didakwa liat bayar servis mekap, ini penjelasan bekas peserta Clevergirl

“Shame on you!” – Didakwa liat bayar servis mekap, ini penjelasan bekas peserta Clevergirl

Dalam sesuatu urusan yang melibatkan banyak pihak, seseorang itu seharusnya berbincang dengan jelas sehingga mencapai persetujuan untuk mengelakkan perkara yang tidak diingini. Tolak ansur dan persefahaman juga sangat penting supaya urusan berjalan lancar.

Seperti yang viral di media sosial semalam, seorang juru mekap meluahkan rasa kesal dengan seorang individu yang didakwa ‘liat’ membayar bayaran penuh untuk servis yang diberikannya. Tidak mendiamkan diri, individu ini menjawab dakwaan tersebut.

Penjelasan pengantin

1. Deposit RM250 done.

2. Bought ferry tickets and flight tickets for her, her son and her husband done (minus RM480 from the total as she requested). 3. Second payment RM1,400 done before the wedding.

4. Balance payment made RM752.

5. MUA’s ferry, flight and accommodation were sponsored. Initially we agreed 4 make up sessions in total, which cost RM2300. We also sponsored accommodation for her husband for 3 days and 2 nights.

6. Later last minute we added 2 make up sessions for parents (RM200 each session). Total RM400 so she has got extra job over there.

7. Total RM2,700 for her work needed to minus RM480 (as she requested us to buy first her husband’s ticket and her son’s). So RM2,220.

8. She claimed RM32 for grab at KT and RM350 for parking at KLIA which we have checked actually only cost RM46 per day. We cannot approve her claim for RM350 as it is FALSE CLAIM. But we still gave her RM150 for her transport to KLIA as courtesy despite without any receipt to prove her payment.

9. Total we needed to pay her RM2,402. As we made deposit RM250, later before make up RM1,400 and later after job done balance RM752 including RM150 KLIA claim and RM32 grab claim at KT (return).

Claim parking di KLIA RM350?

This MUA tried to deceive us by saying she needs to claim for parking at KLIA2 for RM350 for 3 days. But when we were about to pay her, we checked the claim was actually false. Parking at KLIA2 only cost RM46 per day maximum. 
So we only paid her RM150 for the claim even though she has failed to provide any receipt regarding this.
I even suggested her to use grab or uber to KLIA2 yet she gave excuse that she really wants to use her car and park at KLIA2. If she really parked at KLIA2 and wants to claim it’s fine, but please provide the receipt. When asked for receipt she flipped and meroyan. But even without receipts we still gave her extra RM150 for the transport to KLIA2. We ourselves personally used Grabcar XL from Shah Alam to KLIA2 which costed us only RM65 per trip.
She also tried to ask for a claim when she came to make up for my nikah session saying ‘make up akak tumpah dalam flight boleh claim tak? Then I asked macamna boleh tumpah then she said eh sebab orang ferry baling then I asked akak tak pegang ke make up bag akak, then she changed her statement saying oh tak sebab waves kuat sgt sampai tertumpah’
I guess her modus operandi is to make false claims to her clients.
Careful of the MUA you choose on your big day. Please choose MUA that you used to work before as it might going to give you a big headache.
Some really love to take advantage so be careful.
We are business people, we dont simply pay without any reasons.

Dia yang bangun lambat cakap salah client?

Look at her statement on Facebook.

Compare it to the whatsapp screenshots.

Pandai sangat akak ni menipu kata client yang lewat.


Breakfast tu pun I jamah sikit je pihak hotel hantar ke bilik lepas dia settle make up cuma tinggal lipstick. This MUA yang lewat ada hati nak salahkan client. Tolonglah. Dah lewat lagi nak ambil-ambil gambar pengantin banyak-banyak after habis make up, kata tak cukup lighting lah apa la. Client pesan jangan post make up before and after because I tak gemar but she still did it! She said she wont post on iG gambar before and after just for her own keep tapi still she posted. Tak hormat privacy client langsung dan menipu! I tegur baru delete.

Berkenaan dia kena make up my mother and my husband’s mother, tak boleh ke nak berjalan sikit ke bilik parents kami. Nakkan nak minta orang yg dah berumur jalan ke sana ke mari. Awak tu masih muda, ni dengan parents pun nak buat muka sebab nak kena tukar bilik untuk make up. Kalau dah tak nak buat kerja tak payah buat, tak perlu buat muka just sebab nak kena pergi ke parents kami. Attitude tu dah macam apa.

Banyak je MUA yang baik yang kiera kenal sebelum ni. Tak sangka cuba MUA baru yang kiera belum pernah deal before ada masalah attitude macamni. This lady memang sangat mencemarkan nama MUA yang lain sebab her attitude. Memfitnah menipu memutar belit! Shame on you! You nak sangat viral, I give you one. Hope you will get more jobs after this!

Sumber : kieracatkingdom

 Via: Oh Bulan

Sumber “Shame on you!” – Didakwa liat bayar servis mekap, ini penjelasan bekas peserta Clevergirl

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